Logic Model:

Program Intentions Program Activities and Resources (Inputs) Short-term Outcomes: Indicators (Outputs) Longer-term Outcomes: Indicators (Outputs)
To encourage the use of English as the primary means of communication during school hours
  • Creating TAC cards for each student
  • Printing costs
  • Making the lanyards
  • Photographing the students
  • Ensuring all students are aware of the rules
  • Staff is actively monitoring students' English use
  • TAC cards are tallied at the end of each day
  • Students are speaking English during school hours
  • Students are using English for social communication between themselves and their peers
  • Students are using English as their primary means of communication, even when teachers are not present
  • Students view the program as contributing towards their English language development and take pride in their successes while participating in the TAC program
  • Unintended Consequence: Students are quieter and less talkative for fear of reprisal for lapsing into non-English speech
  • Students' speaking skills have improved
  • Students' spoken fluency has increased
  • Students' confidence regarding their English use has developed
Incentivize student co-operation especially with regards to language development
  • Organizing TAC teams
  • Bi-weekly pizza party for the winning team
  • Losing team must perform a song
  • Scoreboard to keep track of points
  • Promoting the pizza party
  • Assembling students to listen to the losing teams' performance
  • Students' work to encourage and assist their teammates use of English
  • Students work with each other to develop the language skills necessary for effective communication
  • Students do not regard losing as a serious punishment, but as part of the challenge, and an incentive to do better next time
  • Unintended Consequence:Students participate out of fear of punishment rather than enticement towards reward.
  • Unintended Consequence:Students participate for the reward (pizza party) rather than for the sake of English development.
  • Students improve their teamwork skills
  • Students are interacting, assisting and co-operating with students in different classes/grades
  • Students are rising to leadership roles when need be
  • Students are able to support each other - using their own English to develop their teammates'
To formalize a policy of English language use within the school
  • Ensuring all staff members understand and enforce the program
  • Staff time
  • Establishing guidelines for fair enforcement, including 'safe zones' where students can speak other languages
  • There is a standard of expectation that exists throughout the school with understood consequences for not speaking English
  • All staff are working to develop an English environment outside of the safe zones
  • The school is understood to be an 'English language' zone and students work to enforce this among themselves
  • Unintended Consequence: The school becomes an English environment and not one developed around the principles of International education: diversity, understanding and cultural sharing. Students feel a conflict between school philosophy and their culture.
  • Clear expectations regarding language use have been established throughout the school
  • Students as well as staff work to maintain an English immersion atmosphere during school hours
To create a collaborative experience of interaction amongst all participants in the evaluation.
  • Evaluator and volunteer time
  • Interactional workshops/forums in which members of all stakeholder groups voice perceptions
  • Development and establishment of roles within the evaluation that are inclusive to members of all stakeholder groups
  • Members of all stakeholder groups are interacting in the evaluation
  • Ideas and opinions from all participants are validated and a sense of community is being established
  • Members from various stakeholder groups feel confident and safe to express their opinions and participate in the program
  • Chinese staff members become more engaged in the process, and seek to develop an English environment that ocntributes to student language development as well as their own
  • Groups are demonstrating a unity of purpose and interest in the development of the team members English
  • Unintended Consequence: Group members are coming into conflict with each other due to individual success and failure within the confines of the program
  • Unintended Consequence: Teachers and staff view the program as a new punative action to be taken upon students and not a tool to develop English language skills
  • Ownership towards the TAC program is represented in all participating groups
  • Improvements and developments are undertaken collaboratively by members of all groups
  • The program's perception has been redefined from a “top-down” implemented program to one of community pride.